Бизнес-журналы и деловые издания. Мировой обзор Ведущие мировые бизнес-издания

Бизнес-журналы и деловые издания. Мировой обзор Ведущие мировые бизнес-издания Среди ведущих мировых интернет-изданий, специализирующихся на бизнесе, выделяются следующие: Журнал Эксперт Бизнеса - приглашает и создаёт по запросу бизнес-аудитории (бизнес группы) с доступом через мессенджер. Настраиваем цифровые коммуникации с потенциальными партнёрами, покупателями, поставщиками для торговых переговоров и промышленной кооперации онлайн 24/7. Организуем международные онлайн коммуникации для экспортёров, импортёров инвесторов. The Wall Street Journal – одно из самых авторитетных и широко цитируемых изданий в мире финансов и бизнеса. Financial Times – британское издание, известное своим глубоким освещением международных бизнес-новостей и экономики. Bloomberg – предоставляет данные, новости и аналитику, которые важны для финансовых профессионалов. Forbes – известно своими рейтингами богатейших людей мира и аналитическими статьями о бизнесе, инвестициях и технологиях. Business Insider – быс

Russia is back on the brink of a debt default after the US blocked its dollar payments. Here's what happens next.

The US Treasury blocked Russia from using American bank accounts, complicating Moscow's ability to pay its debts.
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Russia is back on the brink of a debt default after the US blocked its dollar payments. Here's what happens next.

Russia is back on the brink of a debt default after the US blocked its dollar payments. Here's what happens next.

The US Treasury blocked Russia from using American bank accounts, complicating Moscow's ability to pay its debts.


Tech recruiters say the Ukraine invasion may be 'the end of the IT field in Russia' as demand for Ukrainian workers increases

Tech recruiters say the Ukraine invasion may be 'the end of the IT field in Russia' as demand for Ukrainian workers increases

Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine hasn't stopped tech recruitment in the country, but Russian tech workers may be forced to leave to keep working.


This map shows the highest-paying job in every state

This map shows the highest-paying job in every state

Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, we found the highest-paying job in every state and DC. Medical professionals once again top the list.


CEO of collapsed startup Fast leaves employees hanging in a companywide meeting, reading out a prior memo and then ending the call abruptly

CEO of collapsed startup Fast leaves employees hanging in a companywide meeting, reading out a prior memo and then ending the call abruptly

Staff were told to attend the meeting on Tuesday. CEO Domm Holland then read out a companywide email on the call and left without taking questions.


Looking for a new career? Here are 30 high-paying, fast growing jobs that are set to boom over the next decade

Looking for a new career? Here are 30 high-paying, fast growing jobs that are set to boom over the next decade

Several high-paying managerial, tech, and medical jobs are projected to see strong growth between 2020 and 2030.


Stripe-backed Fast is shutting down. Leaked screenshots reveal that employees' last day will be Friday.

Stripe-backed Fast is shutting down. Leaked screenshots reveal that employees' last day will be Friday.

Insider previously reported that the fintech startup planned to eliminate half its staff just over a year after raising more than $100 million.


No, Airbnb isn't banning people from Belarus and Russia from using its service

No, Airbnb isn't banning people from Belarus and Russia from using its service

An Airbnb spokesperson said the company will not allow users who are currently located in Belarus or Russia to make new reservations.


Buying a home can seem impossible. Consider moving to these 10 cities, where residents can save a down payment fastest.

Buying a home can seem impossible. Consider moving to these 10 cities, where residents can save a down payment fastest.

Mortgage startup Tomo calculated the US spots, from New York to Texas, where it took people the least amount of time to save for a down payment.


BlackRock warns a global energy crisis and runaway inflation may force the Fed to 'slam the brakes' on the US economy — and the firm reveals which stocks can thrive amid the turmoil

BlackRock warns a global energy crisis and runaway inflation may force the Fed to 'slam the brakes' on the US economy — and the firm reveals which stocks can thrive amid the turmoil

BlackRock has said high inflation could force central banks to act faster— but there will be opportunities for investors amid the turmoil.


House flipping has soared back to levels seen before the 2008 housing crash. Aspiring flippers have 3 reasons to beware.

House flipping has soared back to levels seen before the 2008 housing crash. Aspiring flippers have 3 reasons to beware.

Flippers face rising costs and expensive home prices. The typical flipper made $65,000 per house in 2021, but average return on investment slipped.


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